Bossy Take: This National Nightmare
Hi, Dames Nationals.
We aren’t doing great.
Our present mental state, Part 1
Part 2.
Part 3.
We did not have it in us to write a full issue this week, but we did have it in us to talk. So we did, for about 30 minutes, about where Tuesday’s election has left us and what we can do to move forward. You can download it here, via Dropbox, or listen to it on SoundCloud.
We love you all very, very much. We are going to keep each other as safe as we possibly can.
Some links to things we talked about in our conversation:
Killing Me Softly is the choose your own adventure game about microaggressions and acculturative stress that Dame S. mentioned in the podcast. It's a very powerful empathy-builder.
It's the amazing self-care flowchart you can use every day to take care of yourself. Share it with a friend.
Hey, fellow White people, especially White women, we have work to do. Let's use more of our structural power to alleviate the burden our friends of color & indigenous friends, who have been doing so much activist work & putting their lives on the line for us all, for so long. If you're a White woman who voted for Hillary & Tim, welcome to the club, but also, this is on us. Too many of our sisters voted for that man & we need to understand why, so we can talk to them about it and bring them over to our side. Magda Pescenye, who wrote Ask Moxie and created our beloved Gloomvember-fighting observance, Candletime, has launched a wonderful new project called Every post has been challenging & nourishing, and today's, called A post specifically for white women from a white woman, is especially essential. Start there, and proceed to How To Be An Ally by Jenny/@thereadingend. The holidays & family togetherness are coming, and it's time for us not to shy away from difficult/awkward conversations with relatives due to an ingrained over-prioritization of niceness. Practice. Be ready.
If you have $$ to give, Jezebel has helpfully compiled A List of Pro-Women, Pro-Immigrant, Pro-Earth, Anti-Bigotry Organizations That Need Your Support. Remezcla has a great list, too. Monthly donations are great, a donations circle you start with friends is even better!
Part of what is so specifically awful about the next 80 days is that so much is up in the air. We have so many questions. We know the many promises the President-Elect has made to his constituencies, but we don't know which of these he'll be able to follow through on. But we can make some educated guesses, and we can plan. To that end, this guide to things you can do for yourself, your family & your friends before January 20, 2017 should be very useful.
Some podcasts that have helped us process this week & plan for the days & years to come:
Call Your Girlfriend: Rage Phase
Still Processing: The Reckoning, with Margo Jefferson (this is what we were going for in terms of emotional resonance; we fell short of the bar they set). Pair this with Wesley Morris' recent appearance on the Longform podcast
Politically Re-Active: Anger After the Election with Roxane Gay
And finally, Dame Sophie's favorite sonic pick-me-up of all time, Adventure Time's Bacon Pancakes & New York, on a 10-hour loop.
We love you. We see you. If you want to share something with us, hit reply.