Ohhhh Economy Candy! It was how I won over one of my husband’s best friends when we were dating; he came in from out of town and I insisted that we pay a visit. “Kid in a candy store” has nothing on “6’6” grown ass man in a candy store,” it turns out. The highlight was picking up some 20-year-old baseball cards which came with gum; our friend insisted that even 20-year-old gum would stick to itself once you started chewing. Cut to: all three of us standing around a corner trash can spitting out pink powder and laughing until we cried. But everything else in the store is edible and it is a glorious mess. Highly recommend.

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You chewed the gum?! 🏆

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My partner is devastatingly allergic to nuts, yet harbours a sweet tooth. It's tragic how many wonderful treats are effectively barred from our household! But for regional nut-free sweets, I'll get stuff from Kerr's -- my favourites from them vary depending on my whims, from caramels to fruit chews to hard candy, and I will readily admit that I can put myself outside a truly inadvisable amount of Hallowe'en molasses kisses (hated 'em as a kid, inexplicably love 'em as an adult).

But for when I'm traveling solo and not worried about contaminating my partner with nut residue, I absolutely adore Roger's Victoria creams. They're the perfect size to feel like a real indulgence, but small enough that you won't feel overfull after indulging (assuming you limit yourself to one, which I, uh, seldom do). I'll very happily eat any of the flavours, but the Dark Empress Square is my go-to.

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Wait wait wait wait wait. Irish potatoes are a purely Pennsylvanian item??

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I’ve never heard of them—now I want them!

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