Still love this on my third watch through.

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Well, I loved it again. I did remember the last scene (at the orchestra) being MUCH shorter and ending with Héloïse walking out--the actual version is EXCRUCIATING?

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I just really think this movie might be flawless.

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This household of 3 women on island is honestly looking especially great to me right now. (And I am a person known to talk about my interest in living in some kind of ideal commune with friends -- one where we get plenty of individual space.)

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YUP. Bonus points if we have a lowkey but intense a cappella thing going on particularly nice evenings.

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In my future commune, fireside lowkey but intense a cappella will be a regular part of the evening schedule.

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(I currently live alone -- which now translates to Quite Alone.)

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The casual "oh, it's to keep us from doing Great Art." !

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AHHH the 'vous me manquez' of it all

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Are your historical ladies even lesbians if they don't smoke a pipe?

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Agh, this maternal "I'm giving her everything I--I mean she--could ever want!" Milan convo.

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The main flaw in this paint her but don't let her know you're painting her strategy so far is that those paints have such a distinctive & strong odor that for SURE the paint-ee must know what's going on

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Well, sure, now this is all I can think about, and I have to assume they also have a Decoy Painter in a nearby salon.

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Love an Important Gay Hand Admiration Moment.

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I also went through a 'drawing lots of disembodied hands in my sketchbook' phase as an Art teen.

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As a person who spent much of my adolescent years in art classes (and got very focused on portraiture/figure drawings), I'm still very into the close-ups of the art making process.

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Whereas for me it's a real brain-bender of a "...what? ...how? do you look at a person and see THAT and then it WORKS?" Truly wild.

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A mesh mask and a mask under a nose. This is upsetting.

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at least there's a strong breeze?

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I'm ready for snow to be done so I can go for a comfortable walk. (I fear I will slip and fall on ice). Also, that cape.

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The buoyancy of the hood is everything I want in a period piece.

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Watching this movie on New Year's Day CERTAINLY sent me into a Hinge Binge of swiping yes on woman because PHEW the longing in this film! P O T E N T!!!

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From the depths of "school cancelled tomorrow because it's too cold" grey winter, I cannot describe how envious I am of this deep blue sea / clear blue sky combo / sandy cliffs combo.

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The color of the sea in particular is astonishing. That's a color we have in nature? That we can see???

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Hello, friends! I am realizing that this might have been the last movie I saw in theatres before the pandemic and that is a thing I have unclear Feelings about.

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It is the movie I planned to re-watch in the theatre when I got back from Australia, which, lol. Was it absolutely glorious on a bigger screen?

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I recall it was lovely on the big screen. I think I went to either a weekend matinee or a holiday weekday showing at the independent theatre downtown so there were only a few of us there, which was also lovely. Just feeling wrapped up in this story in a near empty movie theatre.

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I hear that. We've all been reminiscing about our last normal weekend around here, too. Lots of heavy sighs all around

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Marianne's face is like..what if Keri Russell & Emma Watson had a baby?

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Mon dieu! There's no way I'm the first person to remark that every shot of this film is so painterly

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It is hard to look away from it to type, is the one problem here. So lovely!

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but like -- THEY ARE!!

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Salut, Substack chatters! Too many straight people follow me on Twitter, so I am here instead.

I have seen this movie once before, but in chunks, because I kept convincing myself I understood French well enough to stop reading the subtitles, and then fell asleep instead due to the comforting, half-comprehensive wash of Repressed Feelings.

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glad to be here and queer with you!

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